Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Last day in California (for awhile...)

Spent the day in former Santa Cruz stomping ground yesterday prior to moving to the desert, which will be fun and beautiful in its own right...but very different.

Everything was so green....the grasses and redwood come alive this time of everywhere...crashing waves...whales puttering by in the distance against the Monterrey Mountains...funny sea birds...Santa Cruz characters....two California blonde 7 years old girls---by themselves--in wet suits, crossing the street with surfboards (not boogie boards) on their heads, heading toward the cliffs where they'd climb down to catch some world class swells at day's end before dinner, with probably 200 other local people, as per ritual this time of the year---glistening moss on rocks---people doing tai chi by the water---guy sitting on a dune playing guitar--another guy asks "Hey, would you happen to be stoked to do some interesting alternative type of work from home?"--I say "No thanks - but could you take my picture?" he smiles and says "Right on."